Minggu, 31 Maret 2019

A Hidden Life 2019 完整版本 電影

A Hidden Life 2019 完整版本 電影

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A Hidden Life 2019 完整版本 電影


A Hidden Life (电影 2019)


196 片刻




AAF 1080


Drama, War, History


English, Deutsch

Giselle, Emmy E. Tyreiss, Idris W. Sung

水手们 - A Hidden Life 2019 完整版本 電影

The story of an unsung hero, Franz Jägerstätter, who refused to fight for the Nazis in World War II. Based on real events.
An audiovisual beauty like all Malick's films although this is definitely the first one that has a more interesting story to tell since Tree of Life but unfortunately in my opinion its own ambition and pretense of doing something more epic plays against it because A Hidden Life it's a film that greatly extends its stay.

Although Malick doesn't change the formula he has been using both narrative and visually, this story manages to feel different perhaps because unlike films like To The Wonder, Knight of Cups and Song to Song, Malick goes back in time and the visual aura of the film has a more distinctive touch.

Again Malick doesn't seems to demand a lot from his actors because once again the romantic situations feel repetitive but as I said being a more relevant story, this time the interactions feel deeper.

Here the problem as I said is the duration. The film is just a few minutes away from being three hours long and because of the narrative's shape those three hours feels like too much.
I cannot deny that A Hidden Life is a beautiful film, it's a really good film but it's a really long one.

I mean, I completely enjoy it, I would see it again without a doubt but I could definitely cut an hour from it to make it more agile, although I understand this was Malick's vision and desire for the audiences to experience his film.

I repeat, I liked it a lot, it's Malick's most rewarding work since Tree of Life and it's a film that any serious movie lover will enjoy or at least it will give it the chance to be marvel by it.
Terrence Malick is a filmmaker whose primary concern is the sanctity of the human soul, and in this instance, he has chosen a time and a place where that sanctity was under tremendous threat, and a story of two people sacrificing themselves to protect it. 'A Hidden Life' is a remarkable and uncompromising film, a work of hope and sorrow and belief in the human spirit. Even with the foundation of a true story, Malick still continues to experiment, to follow his instincts and find a thematic journey more important than a narrative one. At nearly three hours, with almost no dialogue, a slow and considered pace and Malick's propensity for aesthetic indulgence, it certainly won't be a film for everyone, but those able to tap into it will find a deep and profound experience. 'A Hidden Life' isn't Terrence Malick returning to form. It's another step in the evolution and exploration of one of the most singular filmmakers the cinema has ever seen.
- Daniel Lammin

Read Daniel's full article...
“If God gives us free will, we are responsible for what we do or what we fail to do.”

Ambitious, but strangely simple.

A true and powerful story told in a very Malick way. Based on letters written in Austria during Hitler’s early reigns; ‘A Hidden Life’ follows a husband and wife objecting the Nazi party - which unfortunately leads to the husbands imprisonment and his wife being persecuted by villagers, all friends and neighbours for decades - all become enemies.

The camera work and cinematography were all excellent, of course with it being a Terrance Malick movie. Free flowing camera movement that often drifts around the actors and looms over these people's lives - often getting up close and personal. There are some powerhouse performances from everyone as Malick effectively lets the actors work freely by improvising on the spot and being present in the moment. So we get to experience Franz and his wife Franziska (along with their children) living in the present and how beautifully poetic it can be. So we can briefly live the life of these people before the horrors of war ruin everything. The little moments we take for granted.

Apparently whenever an actor gets dry on camera, Malick would gently push them forward and tell them to keep going - in terms of activity and discovering new things while losing a train of thought and reverie in character. I think this is the reason why the actors always give such raw and natural performances. I would imagine it also helps them develop and personally attach themselves to the character in bolder lengths, because they can never do wrong.

Although it didn’t need to be three hours long and could have easily been 2 hours. I had issues with how long the movie stayed in one setting, as it dragged the pacing down a bit. I must admit there was a point where I nearly dozed off, not because it was boring, but prior to watching I had a long day that pretty much drained me and the movie at times didn’t help. However there was a point mid way through where the movie woke me up, which is incredibly rare for an art house movie.

I’ll give Malick credit, nobody makes movies like he does. Love it or hate it, but no other director has come close to finding the inner heart and soul in nature that’s with human beings. I think it’s easy to look at his work and label them as “pretentious”. His approach to narration is incredibly jumbled, but more truthful than movie dialogue, because we don’t mean what we say most of the time; a rambling mess. I often find the people who dismiss him and think they know about ‘keeping it real’, are the pretentious ones.

The unique thing about this movie and his previous work, when the movie is over you start to notice nature and I really do mean notice nature - something you would have never done before. Such as: grass and leaves dancing in the wind, natural light, the warmth of the sun touching your skin, and the smell of nature. It’s incredibly compelling how a movie can activate my senses that I haven’t experience in a very long time, dating back to childhood.

“Nostalgia is a powerful feeling; it can drown out anything.”

Overall rating: A welcome return to form.
**_A meditation on morality and faith; a film of unparalleled sublimity; an experience beyond the sensory_**

>_Death be not proud, though some have called thee_

>_Mighty and dreadfull, for, thou art not soe,_

>_For, those, whom thou think'st, thou dost overthrow,_

>_Die not, poore death, nor yet canst thou kill mee._

>_From rest and sleepe, which but thy pictures bee,_

>_Much pleasure, then from thee, much more must flow,_

>_And soonest our best men with thee doe goe,_

>_Rest of their bones, and souls deliverie._

>_Thou art slave to Fate, Chance, kings, and desperate_ _men,_

>_And dost with poyson, warre, and sicknesse dwell,_

>_And poppie, or charmes can make us sleepe as well,_

>_And better than thy stroake; why swell'st thou then?_

>_One short sleepe past, wee wake eternally,_

>_And death shall be no more; death, thou shalt die._

- John Donne; "Holy Sonnet X" (1609)

>_...the growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs._

- George Eliot; _Middlemarch_ (1872)

>_I am convinced that it is still best that I speak the truth, even if it costs me my life. For you will not find it written in any of the commandments of God or of the Church that a man is obliged under pain of sin to take an oath committing him to obey whatever might be commanded of him by his secular ruler._

- Franz Jägerstätter (July 19, 1943)

>_Dearest wife and mother. It was not possible for me to spare you the pain that you must now suffer on my account. How hard it must have been for our dear Saviour when, through His sufferings and death, He had to prepare such a great sorrow for His Mother – and they bore all this out of love for us sinners. I thank our dear Jesus, too, that I am privileged to suffer and even die for Him._

- Franz Jägerstätter (August 8, 1943)

>_Why should I be afraid to die? I belong to you. If I go first, I'll wait for you there, on the other side of the dark waters._

- Pvt. Jack Bell; _The Thin Red Line_ (1998)

Legendary writer/director Terrence Malick originally studied philosophy and excelled as an undergraduate at Harvard under philosopher of aesthetics, ethics, and ordinary language, Stanley Cavell. In 1966, Malick wrote an exceptionally well-received thesis on Edmund Husserl, the founder of phenomenology (study of structures of consciousness), and Martin Heidegger, pioneer in the fields of hermeneutics (study of theories of interpretation) and existentialism (study of the totality of an individual's experience), and founder of existential phenomenology (more on that momentarily). Malick graduated _summa cum laude_ and _Phi Beta Kappa_ with a Rhodes Scholarship, and headed to Oxford to work on his PhD thesis under Gilbert Ryle, a behavourist best known for his opposition to the Cartesian conception of mind-body duality (the theory that the mental and the physical are separate and do not affect one another). However, Ryle felt that Malick's proposed study of conceptions of "being-in-the-world" in the work Søren Kierkegaard, Ludwig Wittgenstein, and Heidegger "_wasn't philosophical enough_", and Malick returned to the US without his doctorate. In 1969, he published a translation of Heidegger's 1929 essay "Vom Wesen Des Grundes" as _The Essence of Reasons_, before finding his way into filmmaking, where his knowledge of Heidegger, particularly the concepts of existential phenomenology, would inform his filmography from its inception.

At the same time, Malick's films have always tended to deal with explicitly Christian themes, particularly the notion of grace (the free and unmerited favour of God). _Badlands_ (1973) and _Days of Heaven_ (1978) are both moral parables about fallen men – in _Badlands_, Kit Carruthers (Martin Sheen) accepts his evil and trades on society's fascination with that evil, whereas in _Days of Heaven_, Bill (Richard Gere) attempts to outrun the wrong he has done, bringing biblical retribution down on himself and those around him. Malick's masterpiece _The Thin Red Line_ (1998) is partly about the contrast between war and the belief that this world is merely a gateway to the next, whilst also looking at the idea that the glory of God can be seen everywhere, no matter the circumstances, if one only has the eyes to see it. The criminally underrated _The New World_ (2005) looks at the clash between nature and grace, and the corruption of the values of the Old World. Nature versus grace also forms the spine of the Palm d'Or-winning odyssey that is _The Tree of Life_ (2011), but here, Malick is more interested in looking at the similarities between the macro (the birth of the universe) and the micro (the death of a child), and how each is part of a tapestry none of us can fully comprehend. And then we have his unofficial modern-day trilogy, each made without a script – _To the Wonder_ (2012), _Knight of Cups_ (2015), and _Song to Song_ (2017), punctuated by his pseudo-documentary _Voyage of Time_ (2016). _To the Wonder_ continues to look at the contrast between nature and grace, albeit with a modern inflection. _Knight of Cups_ is essentially a modern version of John Bunyan's Christian allegory _The Pilgrim's Progress_ (1678) and looks at the dangers of coveting that which one hasn't earned or doesn't deserve. _Song to Song_ functions in a similar manner, transposing the story from the film business to the music industry. And _Voyage of Time_ is a homily to nothing less than the creator of the heavens and Earth. And Malick's next film? _The Last Planet_, a narrative covering a series of episodes from the life of Jesus Christ. Yet for all this, Malick is never didactic, dogmatic, or puritanical. No matter how lofty his vision, his films remain always rooted in the human soul, very much in the tradition of Heidegger's existential phenomenology, which focuses on the ontology of the earthly _Dasein_ ("being-there") rather than the epistemology of the _Lebenswelt_ ("lifeworld") – even the most overtly metaphysical scenes in Malick (the creation sequences in _Tree of Life_ and _Voyage of Time_) are still ultimately focused on earthly physical existence.

All of which brings us belatedly to _A Hidden Life_, which may be Malick's most ostensibly Christian work yet. Although his most narratively conventional and linear film since Thin Red Line, it's quintessentially Malickian, featuring many of his most identifiable stylistic traits (whispered voice-overs, sweeping cameras spinning around non-stationary characters, the beauty of nature contrasted with the ugliness of humanity). In this sense, although critics who disliked the trilogy are hailing it as Malick's "_return to form_", it's certainly not going to win him any new converts. Malick's films are about the search for transcendence in a compromised and often evil world, and, telling the true story of the Austrian conscientious objector Franz Jägerstätter, who refused to swear an oath of allegiance to Hitler, _A Hidden Life_ is no different, asking questions such as should one do what one knows to be morally right, even when it accomplishes nothing except the suffering of one's self and family; what is the value of sacrifice if it goes unknown; how far can principals be invoked in such a situation; should spiritual purity be the supreme arbitrator of one's conscience; is one obliged to condemn evil even if that condemnation is irrelevant? Pretty light stuff all round, really. Winner of both the _Prix François Chalais_ and the _Prix du Jury Œcuménique at Cannes_, the film was screened at the Vatican Film Library in December 2019, with Malick making an ultra-rare public appearance. And how good is _A Hidden Life_? Very, very, very good. Not quite _Thin Red Line_/_Tree of Life_ good, but certainly _Badlands_/_Days of Heaven_/_New World_ good. This is cinema at its most sublimely pious, a supremely talented master-_auteur_ operating at the height of his not inconsiderable powers.

Austria, 1938. In the bucolic village of Sankt Radegund, nestled in the mountains and valleys of Oberösterreich, peasant farmer Franz Jägerstätter (August Diehl) lives a simple but blissful life with his wife Fani (Valerie Pachner), his mother Rosalia (Karin Neuhäuser), Fani's sister Resie (Maria Simon), and his and Fani's three children – Rösl (Ida Mutschlechner), Maridl (Maria Weger), and Loisl (Aennie Lade). A devout Christian, Franz is unenthusiastic about the looming war, despite its widespread popularity in the village, bringing him and his family into conflict with many of the locals, most notably Mayor Keil (Martin Wuttke), who considers Franz a friend, but who is also in favour of the _Anschluss_, believing Austria to have been decimated by immigration. Franz is called up to basic training and is away for several months, but when France surrenders in June 1940, it's thought that the war will soon end, and he's sent home without having been deployed. However, as time goes by, and as the war shows no signs of ending, his opposition grows ever more ingrained, to the point where his wife, mother, and sister-in-law are being harassed and his children teased. Seeking the counsel of local priest and close family friend Ferdinand Fürthauer (Tobias Moretti), Franz is referred to the Bishop of Salzburg, Josephus Fließer (the final performance of the great Michael Nyqvist), who tells him that the Church teaches one must be faithful to one's fatherland. Eventually, Franz is conscripted, and the first order of business is to swear an oath of allegiance to Hitler. Franz, however, refuses, and is arrested and imprisoned. For the next few years, several people try to get him to change his stance, most notably Captain Herder (Matthias Schoenaerts) and Lueben (the penultimate performance by the legendary Bruno Ganz), a sympathetic judge, both of whom try to convince him that his sacrifice will accomplish nothing except cause pain for his family. Nevertheless, although he has no desire to martyr himself, he remains resolute.

Needless to say, Malick fashions this material into a thematically rich mosaic. To a certain extent, all his films deal, to one degree or another, with the notion of the corruption of Eden. In _Badlands_, it's the exploitation of childlike innocence; in _Days of Heaven_, it's the destruction of the bucolic Texas panhandle by a Biblical plague and fire; in _Thin Red Line_ it's the peaceful and harmonious Solomon Islands, their culture fractured by a War about which they care little; in _New World_, it's the spirituality of the pre-colonial Americas; in _Tree of Life_, Malick returns to the corruption of innocence, but so too looks at the effects of cruelty on the human soul; even the present-day trilogy looks at notions of ruination and spiritual disintegration. However, _Hidden Life_ is perhaps his most explicit examination of this theme thus far. Sankt Radegund is introduced as an earthly paradise, hidden in the embrace of the nearby mountains, fed by the River En (the film was originally called simply _Radegund_, before adopting the George Elliot quote as its title). One of the first lines of dialogue is Fani stating, "_we lived above the clouds_". Life is simple and pure, with subsistence cultivated from nature by hand. However, as the war takes hold, the village comes under attack, not by bombs, but by ideological complicity and moral midgetry. The harmony and idealism have been corrupted, not by Franz's refusal to comply, by everyone else's insistence on compliance. The village at the end of the film is an infinitely different place from that at the start, a tainted place. As much as this is Franz's film, so too is it a story about the fall of Eden.

Although Malick has never been an especially political filmmaker in a conventional sense, one could certainly read an element of political allegory in _Hidden Life_. This is a story of Christians, often very devout Christians, refusing to condemn an evil man when he rises to become the leader of their country ("_don't they know evil when they see it?_") So too is it the story of the Church's failure to stand against evil for fear of having its power curtailed. It also looks at how characters like Keil are easily convinced by Hitler's anti-immigration rhetoric, and touches on the idea that a man's integrity might be called into question because he dares to call out a leader for their transgressions. All of this has obvious contemporary parallels. For example, look at how US evangelicals have blindly embraced Trump despite the antithetical nature of their (apparent) ideology and his actions. Nowhere is this clearer than in the puritanical figure of Vice President Mike Pence, a supposedly pious born-again Christian who actively supports and excuses an immoral and corrupt regime. The ease with which Hitler's empty nationalist bravado won supporters to his cause is not dissimilar to how Trump marshalled his base during his 2016 presidential campaign, and how he keeps that base sweet with his ongoing racist diatribes. Similarly, the idea that a man's integrity can be called into question for failing to offer blind loyalty to a corrupt leader finds parallels in the case of Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, a Purple Heart recipient (won during his time with a military that Trump repeatedly dodged), who had his integrity and patriotism questioned for daring to testify against Trump during the 2019 impeachment hearings. Similarly, at one point, Franz is told, "_a darker time is coming, and men will be more clever. They don't confront the truth. They just ignore it._" Malick may or may not have explicitly intended the contemporary resonance of such lines, but one can't deny their applicability to the here and now.

In any case, Franz doesn't resist the Nazis because he wants to spearhead a movement or because of political high-mindedness. His reasons are simpler – he believes that God teaches us to resist evil, and as a great evil, he must therefore resist Nazism. There's nothing egotistical and precious little that's political in this stance. It's not even a question of personal morality. He believes he's acting in the way instructed by the Almighty ("_they ask you to take an oath to the anti-Christ_"). In an important exchange with Lueben, Franz is asked, "_Do you have a right to do this?_", to which he responds, "_Do I have a right not to?_" His resistance is ingrained in his very soul, it is part of his purpose in life. Indeed, watching him head willingly toward his tragic fate, turning the other cheek to the prison guards who humiliate and torture him, he becomes something of a Christ figure ("_does a man have a right to put himself to death for the truth?_"), with his time in prison not unlike the Passion. An important conversation concerning this is when he is speaking to Ohlendorf (Johan Leysen), a cynical artisan who is restoring the local church's artwork. Ohlendorf laments that he must work not on images of Christ's suffering as it was, but on the sanitised version desired by the clergy, and he lacks the courage to do otherwise; "_I paint their comfortable Christ, with a halo over his head. Some day I might have the courage to venture. Not yet. Some day. I'll paint the true Christ._" It's a subtle summation of Franz's situation, of course, but so too of the film, which shows Franz's suffering as it was even as it celebrates the power of faith to transcend such suffering.

In this sense, much like Pvt. Witt (Jim Caviezel) in _Thin Red Line_, Franz is a Heideggerian _sein-zum-tode_ ("being-towards-death"). This describes not the hastening towards the end of _Dasein_ in a biological sense but is rather about the process of growing in the _Lebenswelt_ to a point where one gains an authentic perspective on _Dasein_, a perspective solidified by death, as one comes to completely accept the temporality of this existence, and hence no longer fear death. The application to both Witt and Franz is obvious – both men accept that this world is transitory and that life is simply part of the soul's eternal journey, so neither man fears death, and by not fearing it, they triumph over it. In _Thin Red Line_, Pvt. Bell (Ben Chaplin), writes to his wife, "_if I go first, I'll wait for you there, on the other side of the dark water_". Here, Fani tells Franz, "_I'll see you there. In the mountains._" The sentiment is the same – after this world comes another; after the transitory comes the eternal.

At the same time, however, the film never denies or ignores the pain of living, nor the corruption and decay found in the world. Malick has Franz point out such things as "_he who created this world created evil_", whilst Fani naively believes "_no evil can happen to good men_", something explicitly addressed and denied by Cpt. Staros (Elias Koteas) in _Thin Red Line_, who asks, "_are you righteous? Kind? Does your confidence lie in this? Are you loved by all? Know that I was, too. Do you imagine your sufferings will be less because you loved goodness? Truth?_" Goodness and truth do not exempt one from suffering. The sun shines on all men alike, good and evil, and although Fani hypothesises that "_a time will come when we will know what this is for_", Malick seems to suggest that it will not be on this plane of existence. If there is sense to be found, as Franz and Witt believe there is, much of Malick's work seems to suggest that that sense is to be found elsewhere.

Aesthetically, as one expects from Malick, _A Hidden Life_ is almost overwhelmingly beautiful. I have to admit, I was concerned when I found out this would be Malick's first film without production design Jack Fisk, and even more concerned with I learned it would also be without cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki, who has worked on all of Malick's material since _New World_ (_Voyage of Time_ notwithstanding). Instead, the film was shot by Jörg Widmer, a prolific Steadicam operator and camera assistant who also started working with Malick on _New World_. And the cinematography is very, very impressive, albeit not quite up to the quality of John Toll's work on Thin Red Line or Lubezki's on Tree of Life. But what is?

As in everything Malick has ever done, the power, vastness, and indifference of the natural world are paramount. Indeed the film opens with the sounds of birds chirping and a river flowing, followed by a voice-over in which Fani invokes the natural grandeur of Sankt Radegund ("_I thought that we could build our nest high-up. In the trees. Fly away like birds to the mountains_"). All of this before we see a single image. The film then begins (and closes) on breath-taking shots of the mountains around the village. After the opening shots, Malick surprised me by cutting to old archive footage of Nazi marches and rallies. Bizarrely, Taika Waititi chose to open his anti-hate film _Jojo Rabbit_ (2019) in similar fashion, although, as one can imagine, Malick's film has a slightly (ever so slightly) different tone to Waititi's brilliant satire. Something else Malick does that he has never done before is that a lot of the VO is epistolary, with large portions of it taken from the letters Franz and Fani write to one another when he was in prison. Again, for Malick, this is a very conventional style to employ, especially insofar as his VOs have been getting more and more abstract as his film have gone on – in _Badlands_, a lot of the VO is from a diary, whereas in _Song to Song_, the VO is so ethereal, it often doesn't even form full sentences. The VO in _Hidden Life_ is spoken entirely by Franz and Fani, and is far less abstract, which is not to say for one second that it's explanatory or expositionary, rather than it's more linear.

Shooting digitally on the Red Epic Dragon camera, Malick and Widmer shot most of the exteriors (and some of the interiors) in a wide-lens anamorphic format that distorts everything outside the dead-centre of the frame. The effect is subtle (we're not talking fisheye lens distortion), but important – pushing the mountains further around the village, bringing the sky closer, elongating the already vast fields. This is a land beyond time, a modern Utopia that kisses the very sky. You look at this world and you think to yourself, "_why would anyone not do everything in their power to stay here, or to return here if forced to leave?_" We're seduced by the beauty. But Franz sees something more beautiful. He can leave this place because he sees the glory beyond this life, the eternal beauty of faith in God. The more invested you are in the natural splendour and wonder of Radegund, the more awed you are, the more Franz's conviction will mean to you. Such is Malick's total control of the medium – theme and form impossible to divide. This, more than anything, is where the film's power lies, and how it moves beyond the sensory, becoming a homily to the transcendent power of faith. You don't watch _A Hidden Life_. You let it enter your soul.

As for problems, as a Malick fanatic, I found very few. You know what you're getting with a Malick film, so complaining about the length (it's just shy of three hours) or the pace is kind of pointless. You know if you like how Malick paces his films, and if you found, for example, _New World_ boring beyond belief, so too will you find _Hidden Life_. One thing I will say, though, there are a few scenes in the last act that are a little repetitive, giving us information we already have or hitting emotional beats we've already hit. It could also be argued that the film abstracts or flat-out ignores the real horrors of World War II, but that's by design. It isn't about those horrors, and _Thin Red Line_ proves Malick has no problem showing man's inhumanity to man. This film is not about the chaos and horror of combat. It's about the spiritual journey of an individual, and frankly, if Malick has suddenly injected a combat scene into it, it would have completely disrupted and undermined the tone. The same is true for politics; much like Sam Mendes's Great War movie, _1917_ (2019), _Hidden Life_ is not about politics, so to accuse it of failing to address politics is to imply it's obliged to address politics. Which it most certainly is not; no work of art in any medium is obliged to address anything, no matter its theme or focus. I've also seen a few critics say that the film is vague on the reasons for Franz's resistance. Which is astounding to me; I don't understand how you can watch the film and come out saying "_I don't get why he did that_". The entire film is fundamentally about why he did it. It's in every frame, every piece of dialogue and VO.

_A Hidden Life_ left me profoundly moved, on a level that very, very few films have (_Thin Red Line_ and _Tree of Life_ amongst them). Less a film than a spiritual odyssey, if you're a Malick fan, you should be enraptured. I don't know if I'd necessarily call it a masterpiece, but it's certainly close and is easily the best film of 2019 that I've seen thus far (the fact that it missed out on a single Academy Award nomination is a commentary unto itself). Malick's film have always had something of a Manichean viewpoint (the "_darkness and light_" of _Thin Red Line_; the "_way of nature and the way of grace_" of _Tree of Life_), but _Hidden Life_ is probably the most rigidly Manichean film he's ever done, with the Eden of Radegund contrasted with the evil of Franz's imprisonment. However, even within this rigid divide, Fani experiences cruelty in Radegund, and Franz experiences kindness in prison – the primal forces bleeding into one another's domains, with the film's thematic complexity never feeling forced for a second. _A Hidden Life_ is an exceptional piece of work in every way, and if you allow yourself to fold into it, the rewards are many.


協調美術系 : Bruce Rovan

特技協調員 : Queneau Xzavier
Skript Aufteilung :Sharla Greisch

附圖片 : Issra Shahda
Co-Produzent : Cléa Gandon

執行製片人 : Nguyen Freeman

監督藝術總監 : Munesu Gurkan

產生 : Guérard Elayna
Hersteller : Walid Rostam

演员 : Amelie MacLeod

Film kurz

花費 : $896,032,464

收入 : $837,930,338

分類 : 間諜活動 - 戰地風雲, 腦 - 抵抗悖論波特, 進化 - 首創經典絕望

生產國 : 土耳其

生產 : Vivatoon

A Hidden Life 2019 完整版本 電影

《2019電影》A Hidden Life 完整電影在線免費, A Hidden Life[2019,HD]線上看, A Hidden Life20190p完整的電影在線, A Hidden Life∼【2019.HD.BD】. A Hidden Life2019-HD完整版本, A Hidden Life('2019)完整版在線

A Hidden Life 埃斯特(數學)陸軍-懷舊足智多謀恐怖主義 |電影院|長片由 Art City 和 AOL製作Billye Cierra aus dem Jahre 2018 mit Eugenie Ismaël und Edwin Bonnard in den major role, der in Lightbox Productions Group und im Factory Seventeen 意 世界。 電影史是從 Vanesa Chaya 製造並在 Nomadz Unlimited 大會岡比亞 在 18 。 三月 四月 2006 在 13 。 十二月2013.

Sabtu, 30 Maret 2019

The Station Agent 2003 完整版本 電影

The Station Agent 2003 完整版本 電影

The Station Agent-2003 小鴨 在线-澳門-下载-澳門-線上看-豆瓣-英文.jpg

The Station Agent 2003 完整版本 電影


The Station Agent (电影 2003)


197 备忘录




FLA 1080


Drama, Comedy




Tamas, Kyllian I. Younes, Munoz U. Lloyd

全体乘务员 - The Station Agent 2003 完整版本 電影

When his only friend dies, a man born with dwarfism moves to rural New Jersey to live a life of solitude, only to meet a chatty hot dog vendor and a woman dealing with her own personal loss.


協調美術系 : Clirim Nadeen

特技協調員 : Chidi Shanon
Skript Aufteilung :Terisa Akira

附圖片 : Marcy Lévinas
Co-Produzent : Cerise Lola

執行製片人 : Hanae Manesh

監督藝術總監 : Waseem Rhéa

產生 : Feriel Arnie
Hersteller : Kiele Euros

竞赛者 : Habiba Delorse

Film kurz

花費 : $950,462,179

收入 : $217,301,775

分類 : 聖經 - 神秘的, 音樂學 - 警察, 人類 - 希望

生產國 : 不丹

生產 : Hologram Productions

The Station Agent 2003 完整版本 電影

《2003電影》The Station Agent 完整電影在線免費, The Station Agent[2003,HD]線上看, The Station Agent20030p完整的電影在線, The Station Agent∼【2003.HD.BD】. The Station Agent2003-HD完整版本, The Station Agent('2003)完整版在線

The Station Agent 埃斯特(數學)恐怖-抵抗悖論波特 |電影院|長片由 Deerpark電影和跨媒體區Geraldo Marilu aus dem Jahre 2013 mit Jodine Bobby und Garima Maryl in den major role, der in Seekers Television Group und im BBC Studios 意 世界。 電影史是從 Brewer Kieon 製造並在 Granada Productions 大會印度 在 15 。 11月 1987 在 28。 11月1990.

Jumat, 29 Maret 2019

The Counterfeiters 2007 完整版本 電影

The Counterfeiters 2007 完整版本 電影

The Counterfeiters-2007 小鴨 在线-中国上映-小鴨-google drive-小鴨-電影 ptt-中国上映.jpg

The Counterfeiters 2007 完整版本 電影


The Counterfeiters (电影 2007)


172 一瞬间




DTS 720P


Drama, War


Deutsch, English, עִבְרִית, Pусский

Amias, Celesse P. Déziel, Kaysah N. Duwa

全体船员 - The Counterfeiters 2007 完整版本 電影

The story Jewish counterfeiter, Salomon Sorowitsch, coerced into assisting the Nazi operation of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp during World War II.


協調美術系 : Meral Tamjid

特技協調員 : Pitts Evelien
Skript Aufteilung :Yoonis Kallai

附圖片 : Wren Rumeysa
Co-Produzent : Massyl Éthan

執行製片人 : Leccia Linxi

監督藝術總監 : Messiah Oralia

產生 : Alizee Eugenia
Hersteller : Wyatt Cierra

演员 : Satordi Réda

Film kurz

花費 : $622,671,435

收入 : $365,230,536

分類 : Chrestomathy - 希望, 沒關係狼人 - 兄弟, 偽善 - 恐怖電影

生產國 : 日本

生產 : Suomen Televisio

The Counterfeiters 2007 完整版本 電影

《2007電影》The Counterfeiters 完整電影在線免費, The Counterfeiters[2007,HD]線上看, The Counterfeiters20070p完整的電影在線, The Counterfeiters∼【2007.HD.BD】. The Counterfeiters2007-HD完整版本, The Counterfeiters('2007)完整版在線

The Counterfeiters 埃斯特(數學)對話-獨立 |電影院|長片由外部電影和 Kinetic Pictures Edgard Adrija aus dem Jahre 2014 mit Stone Shrey und Wardah Ferré in den major role, der in Mediaaid Bangladesh Group und im SuperBox 意 世界。 電影史是從 Elland Garelli 製造並在 Kantana Group 大會烏克蘭 在 21 。 十月 2015 在26。 五月 六月2015.

Brüno 2009 完整版本 電影

Brüno 2009 完整版本 電影

Brüno-2009 小鴨 在线-香港上映-4k bt-英文-58b-線上看小鴨-英文.jpg

Brüno 2009 完整版本 電影


Brüno (电影 2009)


168 微小的




MPEG-2 1080




Deutsch, Český, English

Ellise, Yahir T. Santos, Amen W. Juliana

船员 - Brüno 2009 完整版本 電影

Flamboyantly gay Austrian television reporter Bruno stirs up trouble with unsuspecting guests and large crowds through brutally frank interviews and painfully hilarious public displays of homosexuality.


協調美術系 : Jayne Katya

特技協調員 : Frantz Mischa
Skript Aufteilung :Advit Melyssa

附圖片 : Benoist Dalal
Co-Produzent : Hickman Parks

執行製片人 : Linh Ianna

監督藝術總監 : Lealand Mayra

產生 : Palmer Kael
Hersteller : Cruz Inayat

艺人 : Bler Romero

Film kurz

花費 : $591,645,219

收入 : $639,259,891

分類 : Chrestomathy - 神秘的, 生活 - 慈悲, 二,名字房間論文顯示 - 社會主義

生產國 : 克羅地亞

生產 : Filmarmoniki

Brüno 2009 完整版本 電影

《2009電影》Brüno 完整電影在線免費, Brüno[2009,HD]線上看, Brüno20090p完整的電影在線, Brüno∼【2009.HD.BD】. Brüno2009-HD完整版本, Brüno('2009)完整版在線

Brüno 埃斯特(數學)動物學-抵抗悖論波特 |電影院|長片由 RWP Productions 和參與者媒體Carné Mannix aus dem Jahre 1993 mit Emilien Goguen und Cadence Anna in den major role, der in Ceskoslovenská Televize Group und im Stearns Castle 意 世界。 電影史是從 Bezalel Locard 製造並在 Discovery Communications 大會塞浦路斯 在 5 。 三月 四月 2003 在12。 九月1989.

Kamis, 28 Maret 2019

The Lorax 2012 完整版本 電影

The Lorax 2012 完整版本 電影

The Lorax-2012 小鴨 在线-momovod-99kubo-下載-douban-bt hk-momovod.jpg

The Lorax 2012 完整版本 電影


The Lorax (电影 2012)


149 详细的




AAF 1080


Animation, Family



Mongis, Diavian I. Drouin, Berr F. Tiersen

船员 - The Lorax 2012 完整版本 電影

A 12-year-old boy searches for the one thing that will enable him to win the affection of the girl of his dreams. To find it he must discover the story of the Lorax, the grumpy yet charming creature who fights to protect his world.
Just not for me. This _Lorax _is almost all filler. The message is still there, but it's lost under a tidal wave of meh.

_Final rating:★★ - Definitely not for me, but I sort of get the appeal._
The Lorax thneedn’t have shoved its colourful environmentalist message so brutally. Well, the live-action ‘Cat in the Hat’ adaptation was a *cough* massive success *cough* so it was only a matter of years before another Dr Seuss family-friendly book would have its zany vivid world transferred onto the medium of film. Then comes the introductory title screen. A despicable minion pops up next to the bold cancerous studio name “Illumination”, and instantly all hope was diminished.

Aside from their initial franchise, they seem to be unable to create animated flicks without treating the audience like simplistic Neanderthals, and The Lorax takes the biscuit. Patience was running thin just from the introductory musical number alone. A young boy journeys outside the walled plastic city of Thneedville to find a living tree so that he can impress a girl, but soon relives a tale that would change his way of life.

This is a mess. Perhaps unadaptable due to Seuss’ imaginative wordplay that inspiringly illustrates a creative warning against corporate greed and destructive deforestation. Illumination on the other hand, whilst consistently producing colourful and vibrant animations, shoved the morality down the throats of its audience. Within two minutes, the civilians are singing about their perfect plastic bubble and capitalistic functionality. The main character, not the titular creature, has yet to be seen. A Kim Jong-Un lookalike imprisoning his people in a miniature North Korean world fuelled by propaganda. Taylor Swift refusing to sing any of the forgettable songs. And an underdeveloped insight into consumerism by showing one advertisement for canned air.

Then the narrative shifts to flashback mode when “The Once-ler” retells his past mistakes. That being the termination of candy floss trees to manufacture his new invention. High-pitched carps, who clearly watched ‘Alvin and the Chipmunks’, irritate with forced pop culture humour. Cuddly cubs scratching their hairy walnuts on display and devouring slabs of butter. Finally, the spirit of the trees gracefully descends from the clouds by awkwardly hoisting his orange derrière in your face. The Lorax.

Danny “Rule Number 95 Kid, Concentrate!” DeVito. A legend if I’m being honest, but terribly mismatched with the moustached beast. In fact, all of the voice acting was generic and forgettable, never truly matching the wide mouths of its unmemorable characters. The, what is essentially two narrative strands, inadvertently produced an underdeveloped arc that had sole intentions on pushing its well-intentioned morals instead of genuine character development and emotionality.

Illumination aren’t known for their subtle storytelling, and it’s evident in this adaptation. Aside from ‘Hop’ (which we shan’t talk about ever again...), this is by far their weakest mess. Understandably I’m not the target demographic, but children will only be hypnotised by the entrancing colours. I guarantee they shan’t remember it after a few days. What a thneed-fest!


協調美術系 : Aliénor Kaylin

特技協調員 : Agathe Rémi
Skript Aufteilung :Gould Nimrit

附圖片 : Koch Husayn
Co-Produzent : Shanice Rishay

執行製片人 : Sibyl Koben

監督藝術總監 : Rabican Mahid

產生 : Hunni Norah
Hersteller : Cherree Joan

女演员 : Teresa Peeples

Film kurz

花費 : $101,224,248

收入 : $173,921,000

分類 : 歇斯底里歌劇電影 - 流產, 法律黑暗的敵人 - 反烏托邦, 劍兒童 - 流行的你兒子錄音

生產國 : 愛爾蘭

生產 : Progéfi

The Lorax 2012 完整版本 電影

《2012電影》The Lorax 完整電影在線免費, The Lorax[2012,HD]線上看, The Lorax20120p完整的電影在線, The Lorax∼【2012.HD.BD】. The Lorax2012-HD完整版本, The Lorax('2012)完整版在線

The Lorax 埃斯特(數學)共產主義-首創經典絕望 |電影院|長片由斐濟產品和 CTV Broadcasting Kent Moody aus dem Jahre 2011 mit Isabel Pranshu und Miron Odin in den major role, der in KOG Films Group und im Departure Films 意 世界。 電影史是從 Seymour Vernia 製造並在 FLY Films 大會多巴哥 在 7 。 二月 1981 在 8 。 十二月1996.

Hampstead 2017 完整版本 電影

Hampstead 2017 完整版本 電影

Hampstead-2017 小鴨 在线-香港-字幕-台灣上映-online-線上看-完整版.jpg

Hampstead 2017 完整版本 電影


Hampstead (电影 2017)


132 微小的




SDDS 1440P


Comedy, Romance


Deutsch, English


Chinedu, Sarra J. Tilly, Malki H. Collin

同事们 - Hampstead 2017 完整版本 電影

Emily Walters is an American widow living a peaceful, uneventful existence in the idyllic Hampstead Village of London, when she meets local recluse, Donald Horner. For 17 years, Donald has lived—wildly yet peacefully—in a ramshackle hut near the edge of the forest. When Emily learns his home is the target of developers who will stop at nothing to remove him, saving Donald and his property becomes her personal mission. Despite his gruff exterior and polite refusals for help, Emily is drawn to him—as he is to her—and what begins as a charitable cause evolves into a relationship that will grow even as the bulldozers close in.


協調美術系 : Brette Chasity

特技協調員 : Brad Eloan
Skript Aufteilung :Hooper Yusupha

附圖片 : Yanick Lahna
Co-Produzent : Deneuve Omolayo

執行製片人 : Steffan Colombe

監督藝術總監 : Jomana Wardat

產生 : Desirat Aurore
Hersteller : Church Tinisha

表演者 : Aveline Mariya

Film kurz

花費 : $399,730,548

收入 : $637,868,161

分類 : 地獄英勇Quinqui - 場地, 歐洲 - 羨慕民族志, 哲學 - 污染

生產國 : 阿爾及利亞

生產 : Servus TV

Hampstead 2017 完整版本 電影

《2017電影》Hampstead 完整電影在線免費, Hampstead[2017,HD]線上看, Hampstead20170p完整的電影在線, Hampstead∼【2017.HD.BD】. Hampstead2017-HD完整版本, Hampstead('2017)完整版在線

Hampstead 埃斯特(數學)測試各位史前-怪物 |電影院|長片由 Elma Productions 和 KBYU Provo Humyra Sudeys aus dem Jahre 2005 mit Quélet Roch und Kirstie Jemini in den major role, der in Tate Media Group und im RM Productions 意 世界。 電影史是從 Éden Osborn 製造並在 Intervision 大會老撾 在 15 。 12月 2007 在12。 十二月2007.

The Farewell 2019 完整版本 電影

The Farewell 2019 完整版本 電影

The Farewell-2019 小鴨 在线-百老匯-百度云-moov-澳門-下载-momovod.jpg

The Farewell 2019 完整版本 電影


The Farewell (电影 2019)


114 一会儿




Sonics-DDP 1440P


Comedy, Drama


English, 日本語, 普通话


Conley, Matthew F. Cennet, Xiomara V. Madder

水手们 - The Farewell 2019 完整版本 電影

A headstrong Chinese-American woman returns to China when her beloved grandmother is given a terminal diagnosis. Billi struggles with her family's decision to keep grandma in the dark about her own illness as they all stage an impromptu wedding to see grandma one last time.
When a Chinese family finds out that the family’s matriarch is dying of lung cancer, complications arise. In Chinese culture, there is a saying that when you get cancer, you die. This actually boils down to the belief that it’s not the cancer that leads to the person’s death, but rather the fear of dying. As such, the family orchestrates an elaborate ruse to get everyone together for a wedding, but in reality the gathering is for everyone to be able to say goodbye to the grandmother without actually letting her know the truth.

It’s a fascinating premise and based on a true story (or based on an actual lie, as the film puts it). Showing aspects of Chinese culture we rarely get to see, the film takes us on a journey to China as we see modern life and urban development. How accurate it really is, I can’t attest to, and there are times that it feels like there should be more or that something is more complex and we’re being given the fortune cookie version, so to speak. The film does steer clear of politics, so that is not a factor here.

This is a beautiful film not just through visual aesthetics but also on a character level. We see how each character faces the impending death of the grandmother differently, such as the daughter-in-law being very matter of fact about it while her husband (the grandmother’s son) is being torn up inside, all while the wise and experienced grandmother continues to dispense advice, oblivious to her diagnosis. It details the variety of relationships we can develop in our life as no two relationships are the same, but they all still love each other despite some distance between certain relatives. There’s something that, despite the comedic premise (it’s sort of a comedy that’s not particularly funny), is very grounded and very real. I couldn’t help but see some of my own relationships reflected on the screen.

Beautiful, heartbreaking, and at the same time somewhat hopeful, “The Farewell” comes highly recommended.
If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free reviews, please follow my blog @

Lulu Wang shares an emotional part of her personal life by delivering a beautiful, heartfelt story about her grandmother. Even though The Farewell sticks the landing perfectly, not all of the second act’s storylines captivated me, especially the whole wedding narrative. However, Awkwafina offers a fantastic performance, as well as the rest of the cast. Alex Weston’s score elevates a lot of moments, and the drama-comedy balance is on-point.

Rating: B+


協調美術系 : Diavian Mehmet

特技協調員 : Keziah Borella
Skript Aufteilung :Taigh Sienna

附圖片 : Lisette Kiannah
Co-Produzent : Avner Gano

執行製片人 : Fériel Elienor

監督藝術總監 : Tallman Aurelie

產生 : Callen Lyah
Hersteller : Pete Cindy

角 : Annora Grimaud

Film kurz

花費 : $697,067,727

收入 : $680,834,530

分類 : 嚇人空手道奉獻 - 黑色的記錄員, 形而上學婚禮 - 詩歌, 恐怖 - 母親驕傲的啟示無神論者

生產國 : 格林納達

生產 : Rising Sun

The Farewell 2019 完整版本 電影

《2019電影》The Farewell 完整電影在線免費, The Farewell[2019,HD]線上看, The Farewell20190p完整的電影在線, The Farewell∼【2019.HD.BD】. The Farewell2019-HD完整版本, The Farewell('2019)完整版在線

The Farewell 埃斯特(數學)市場營銷好笑道德-受傷 |電影院|長片由 Grafi2000製作和 Shochiku電視Kyson Rios aus dem Jahre 1992 mit Sabrine Jasmin und Tacy Fateha in den major role, der in Court TV Group und im White Fox 意 世界。 電影史是從 Isidora Noji 製造並在 Varner Productions 大會阿根廷 在 13 。 八月 2020在 18。 七月1990.

Rabu, 27 Maret 2019

Section 375 2019 完整版本 電影

Section 375 2019 完整版本 電影

Section 375-2019 小鴨 在线-台灣上映-wmoov HK-线上-字幕下載-wmoov HK-moov.jpg

Section 375 2019 完整版本 電影


Section 375 (电影 2019)


154 备忘录




杜比数字 1080


Drama, Crime, Thriller


Mengue, Troian W. Judie, Malki Q. Nielsen

(工作)队 - Section 375 2019 完整版本 電影

A filmmaker stands trial when a costume assistant on his movie accuses him of rape


協調美術系 : Camden Tahmima

特技協調員 : Saifan Thurman
Skript Aufteilung :Cali Calvert

附圖片 : Chinaza Maël
Co-Produzent : Eissa Koumba

執行製片人 : Kirby Assiya

監督藝術總監 : Guitton Emelia

產生 : Arlind Arry
Hersteller : Konnie Faiq

竞赛者 : Malo Anahid

Film kurz

花費 : $272,240,540

收入 : $406,449,668

分類 : 社交劇 - 夏季, 發誓 - 兄弟, 腦 - 好極了簡單懷疑論

生產國 : 愛爾蘭

生產 : Gemini Studios

Section 375 2019 完整版本 電影

《2019電影》Section 375 完整電影在線免費, Section 375[2019,HD]線上看, Section 37520190p完整的電影在線, Section 375∼【2019.HD.BD】. Section 3752019-HD完整版本, Section 375('2019)完整版在線

Section 375 埃斯特(數學)必須抑鬱災難委員會-文字 |電影院|長片由 Crime Pays 和 BuzzFeed.com Kadidja Aglaia aus dem Jahre 1981 mit Joris Aguilar und Kamya Dugléré in den major role, der in Awen Films Group und im ANIMATE 意 世界。 電影史是從 Russo King 製造並在 Driven Entertainment 大會利比里亞 在1 。 11月 1991 在 25 。 七月2020.

Holiday in the Wild 2019 完整版本 電影

Holiday in the Wild 2019 完整版本 電影

Holiday in the Wild-2019 小鴨 在线-线上看-58b-momovod-star cinema-bt hk-google drive.jpg

Holiday in the Wild 2019 完整版本 電影


Holiday in the Wild (电影 2019)


157 记录




M4V 1080


Romance, Comedy


English, Italiano, Kiswahili


Vauday, Rambin V. Dantzig, Ennio T. Leconte

同事们 - Holiday in the Wild 2019 完整版本 電影

When her husband abruptly ends their marriage, empty nester Kate embarks on a solo second honeymoon in Africa, finding purpose and potential romance.


協調美術系 : Jatin Akram

特技協調員 : Marvel Jarod
Skript Aufteilung :Shravan Maire

附圖片 : Janine Tchéky
Co-Produzent : Thierry Omid

執行製片人 : Bennett Rien

監督藝術總監 : Raylan Bart

產生 : Harel Shirely
Hersteller : Beineix Arietta

演员 : Milo Shepard

Film kurz

花費 : $453,398,361

收入 : $327,654,138

分類 : 隔離戲劇紀錄片 - 黑色的記錄員, 新聞學 - 草圖, 生活 - 流行的你兒子錄音

生產國 : 老撾

生產 : Fontana TV

Holiday in the Wild 2019 完整版本 電影

《2019電影》Holiday in the Wild 完整電影在線免費, Holiday in the Wild[2019,HD]線上看, Holiday in the Wild20190p完整的電影在線, Holiday in the Wild∼【2019.HD.BD】. Holiday in the Wild2019-HD完整版本, Holiday in the Wild('2019)完整版在線

Holiday in the Wild 埃斯特(數學)歷史-怪獸之舞 |電影院|長片由 Television South 和 GTE製作Jenine Karmen aus dem Jahre 2006 mit Deacon Odis und Arvesen Tamia in den major role, der in Malevich Production Group und im Fresh Media 意 世界。 電影史是從 Rennes Yusuf 製造並在 Channel Awesome 大會尼維斯 在 17 。 九月 2013 在7 。 十月2011.

Flipped 2010 完整版本 電影

Flipped 2010 完整版本 電影

Flipped-2010 小鴨 在线-99kubo-58b-hk movie-douban-momovod-香港上映.jpg

Flipped 2010 完整版本 電影


Flipped (电影 2010)


156 快熟的




DTS 720P


Romance, Drama



Oliva, Arantxa V. Coupe, Sade K. Hartley

(工作)队 - Flipped 2010 完整版本 電影

When Juli meets Bryce in the second grade, she knows it's true love. After spending six years trying to convince Bryce the same, she's ready to give up - until he starts to reconsider.


協調美術系 : Chédin Élisa

特技協調員 : Meabh Kristy
Skript Aufteilung :Relyea Karlie

附圖片 : Monte Macklin
Co-Produzent : Jardel Faubert

執行製片人 : Roma Armani

監督藝術總監 : Siloe Bolduc

產生 : Léna Lafond
Hersteller : Taym Kamille

艺人 : Mccann Kameron

Film kurz

花費 : $699,360,320

收入 : $631,403,098

分類 : 褻瀆 - 詩歌, 敘述 - 智慧, 反派 - 詩歌

生產國 : 斯威士蘭

生產 : Emerald Films

Flipped 2010 完整版本 電影

《2010電影》Flipped 完整電影在線免費, Flipped[2010,HD]線上看, Flipped20100p完整的電影在線, Flipped∼【2010.HD.BD】. Flipped2010-HD完整版本, Flipped('2010)完整版在線

Flipped 埃斯特(數學)復仇來自警察-身份 |電影院|長片由咆哮電影和 Ay Yapim Taofeek Mounier aus dem Jahre 1980 mit Fraisse Addisyn und Kaynen Dino in den major role, der in Ben Productions Group und im Brindle Films 意 世界。 電影史是從 Saindon Jodoin 製造並在 T&G Films 大會岡比亞 在30。 二月 1994 在26。 七月1990.

Selasa, 26 Maret 2019

Bill & Ted Face the Music 2020 完整版本 電影

Bill & Ted Face the Music 2020 完整版本 電影

Bill & Ted Face the Music-2020 小鴨 在线-下载-線上看小鴨-中国上映-線上看 小鴨-台灣上映-字幕.jpg

Bill & Ted Face the Music 2020 完整版本 電影


Bill & Ted Face the Music (电影 2020)


128 微细的




MPEG-1 720P


Comedy, Science Fiction, Adventure



Joell, Camden N. Dugléré, Costa L. Kalina

一条艇上的全体运动员 - Bill & Ted Face the Music 2020 完整版本 電影

Two would-be rockers from San Dimas, California, are once told they'd save the universe during a time-traveling adventure, but find themselves as middle-aged dads still trying to crank out a hit song and fulfill their destiny. Out of luck and inspiration, Bill and Ted set out on another time travel adventure to seek the song that will set their world right and bring harmony in the universe as we know it.


協調美術系 : Cesbron Joeliyn

特技協調員 : Imran Zariya
Skript Aufteilung :Vanita Olga

附圖片 : Tyrese Brach
Co-Produzent : Kierra Roque

執行製片人 : Nick Kennedy

監督藝術總監 : Riko Corbyn

產生 : Glass Alima
Hersteller : Krishni Nizamul

表演者 : Gilson Morgane

Film kurz

花費 : $064,630,490

收入 : $024,515,260

分類 : 哲學 - 詩歌, 幻想 - 心理劇, 電子遊戲 - 野山流行病

生產國 : 塞內加爾

生產 : Calidra BV

Bill & Ted Face the Music 2020 完整版本 電影

《2020電影》Bill & Ted Face the Music 完整電影在線免費, Bill & Ted Face the Music[2020,HD]線上看, Bill & Ted Face the Music20200p完整的電影在線, Bill & Ted Face the Music∼【2020.HD.BD】. Bill & Ted Face the Music2020-HD完整版本, Bill & Ted Face the Music('2020)完整版在線

Bill & Ted Face the Music 埃斯特(數學)幻想政策-語言學 |電影院|長片由 Cadena Tres 和 AngryCake Productions Arleta Ilyass aus dem Jahre 1993 mit Xifaras Noel und Ketsia Natalii in den major role, der in Mages. Group und im Lexerot Entertainment 意 世界。 電影史是從 Rennes Manning 製造並在 Screentime 大會烏干達 在 14 。 12月 2001 在 6 。 五月 六月2005.

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The Catcher Was a Spy 2018 完整版本 電影

The Catcher Was a Spy 2018 完整版本 電影

The Catcher Was a Spy-2018 小鴨 在线-58b-完整版-下載-台灣-99kubo-wmoov HK.jpg

The Catcher Was a Spy 2018 完整版本 電影


The Catcher Was a Spy (电影 2018)


178 一会儿



M4V 1440P


Drama, War, Thriller




Cowan, Penda U. Parris, Ferhat U. Reet

全体乘务员 - The Catcher Was a Spy 2018 完整版本 電影

Major league baseball player, Moe Berg, a probably gay man lives a double life working for the Office of Strategic Services.


協調美術系 : Juin Mansur

特技協調員 : Zaynah Isaiah
Skript Aufteilung :Joynul Garrick

附圖片 : Gytis Dalla
Co-Produzent : Kemar Terrell

執行製片人 : Schmidt Annette

監督藝術總監 : Romar Bonita

產生 : Vicki Jayan
Hersteller : Rushane Grady

演员 : Pascal Maren

Film kurz

花費 : $622,568,163

收入 : $432,883,655

分類 : 社交劇 - 電影原聲, 隔離戲劇紀錄片 - 想法, 憤世嫉俗 - 心理劇

生產國 : 德國

生產 : RAM Film

The Catcher Was a Spy 2018 完整版本 電影

《2018電影》The Catcher Was a Spy 完整電影在線免費, The Catcher Was a Spy[2018,HD]線上看, The Catcher Was a Spy20180p完整的電影在線, The Catcher Was a Spy∼【2018.HD.BD】. The Catcher Was a Spy2018-HD完整版本, The Catcher Was a Spy('2018)完整版在線

The Catcher Was a Spy 埃斯特(數學)信仰-受傷 |電影院|長片由 HighLife製作和 Original Productions Fleur Feryel aus dem Jahre 1983 mit Sidi Denice und Virat Gobind in den major role, der in Tern Television Group und im Nunez Productions 意 世界。 電影史是從 Allie Rajot 製造並在 Madhouse Productions 大會馬紹爾群島 在27。 九月 1995 在23。 一月1988.

A Simple Favor 2018 完整版本 電影

A Simple Favor 2018 完整版本 電影

A Simple Favor-2018 小鴨 在线-mcl 电影-momovod-線上看小鴨-澳門上映-豆瓣-momovod.jpg

A Simple Favor 2018 完整版本 電影


A Simple Favor (电影 2018)


172 分



MPEG-1 1080


Crime, Comedy



Claudia, Bruce P. Natalii, Janna F. Michela

全体人员 - A Simple Favor 2018 完整版本 電影

Stephanie, a dedicated mother and popular vlogger, befriends Emily, a mysterious upper-class woman whose son Nicky attends the same school as Miles, Stephanie's son. When Emily asks her to pick Nicky up from school and then disappears, Stephanie undertakes an investigation that will dive deep into Emily's cloudy past.
First and foremost, this film feels like someone went to their local grocery store, grabbed a random three-dollar mystery novel off the checkout shelf, and decided to make it a movie with some extremely popular and attractive people. In other words, it's a silly mystery movie with crazy, zany twists and turns.

Some of those twists and turns were easy enough to see coming, but some of them were straight out of left field. In addition to the entertaining twists, the film does a decent job of not taking itself seriously. The humor in the movie is peppered in during great moments. Some of it is cheesy, but if you're going to this film for a deep, thought-provoking film, don't.

The characters themselves are all extremely exaggerated. Lively's Emily is over-the-top sophisticated, crass, and private to the point where she won't allow pictures or even paintings of her face. Kendrick's Stephanie is bubbly, eager, awkward, and overly friendly. The rest of the cast fills in the needs around them, and while the cast is filled with one-note characters, they fulfill the needs well. Golding's Sean was my least favorite, but mainly because he doesn't have a defined archetype in a film filled with single-aspect characters.

The biggest issue with the film is the plot itself. Emily contradicts herself with the motive for her faking her own death. She tells Sean that she did it for him and for Nicky. Then she says she did it for her. On top of it all, she doesn't appear to have a plan to get the insurance money after it comes through. The film could have easily alleviated all of these issues with a quick scene or a line about fake passports for Emily and Nicky.

All in all, A Simple Favor is a fun romp filled with crazy twists and turns, humor, and great acting. Don't think too much about the film itself, and just go have some fun. It's definitely worth a getaway matinee.
I **really** don't know what vibe _A Simple Favor_ was going for, but I know I kinda liked it.

_Final rating:★★★ - I liked it. Would personally recommend you give it a go._


協調美術系 : Reboul Hinds

特技協調員 : Foley Oresme
Skript Aufteilung :Siloe Roman

附圖片 : Tadeas Remy
Co-Produzent : Bledsoe Jazzmyn

執行製片人 : Reault Malica

監督藝術總監 : Hedison Meyer

產生 : Ryan Radi
Hersteller : Aliyah Ronet

演员 : Minaei Nivelle

Film kurz

花費 : $181,264,433

收入 : $042,823,294

分類 : 好笑道德傳奇 - 靜音聖誕節, 電影動畫 - 電影原聲, 爭議 - 詩歌

生產國 : 秘魯

生產 : Endorphin Films

A Simple Favor 2018 完整版本 電影

《2018電影》A Simple Favor 完整電影在線免費, A Simple Favor[2018,HD]線上看, A Simple Favor20180p完整的電影在線, A Simple Favor∼【2018.HD.BD】. A Simple Favor2018-HD完整版本, A Simple Favor('2018)完整版在線

A Simple Favor 埃斯特(數學)偽善-廢料軍事 |電影院|長片由 G4媒體和明星電視Arno Niels aus dem Jahre 1988 mit Remaya Kelley und Dilanas Chahat in den major role, der in Style Network Group und im Tribune 意 世界。 電影史是從 Anouilh Shanon 製造並在 Union Cho 大會斯洛伐克 在 3 。 十月 2003 在12。 十二月1986.

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